Comics meet dance

The comic story you are about to read was born out of a collaboration between the choreographer Anne-Mareike Hess and comic artist Luca de Vitis/The holy garbage. A first 'trailer' of the story, as well as the portraits of the characters Warrior, Dreamer, and Weaver were created as part of the publication "On Fighting, Dreaming, and Weaving", commissioned by the Centre national de littérature Luxembourg.

Inspired by that the two artists decided to expand the story. Now, there is one chapter and they aim to finish the story in a total of 4 to 5 chapters. 

Enjoy reading and stay tuned!

For more info about Luca de Vitis/The holy garbage click here






Storyboard, colors: Luca De Vitis / The holy garbage

Text: Anne-Mareike Hess, Luca De Vitis